What we do

Roots aims to catalyze the growth and impact of a Global South climate justice movement made up of intersectional and youth-led grassroots initiatives.

We believe that the pathway to systemic change is rooted in and led by communities on the frontlines of climate change, and that youth in the Global South are at the forefront of this transformation.

Roots has worked with and trained thousands of emerging leaders and groups in regions including Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia, and the Caribbean. Our programs are set up to help groups and leadership grow, develop networks, build power, improve well-being and resilience, and tackle threats of climate disinformation.

We focus on:

  • 2022 © Pamela Ea

    Building community

    We create platforms and networks that bring together groups and individuals from around the Global South to co-create, collaborate, and share knowledge, stories, and skills.

  • Building capacity

    We partner with local, regional and international initiatives and organizations to provide in-person and online development opportunities for groups and individuals on the frontlines of climate change.

  • © Ala Zemzmi

    Tackling climate disinformation

    We work to safeguard movements, groups, and individuals against the threat of disinformation by running online and offline trainings tailored to local context and issues. 

  • Resourcing campaigns

    We provide access to small grants, funding, and resources for youth-led climate justice groups in Global South regions.